A GIF of a yellow sign with a construction worker on it SONNENBOYA GIF of a yellow sign with a construction worker on it

Under the sun we all share the glow
But some of us feel the black heat of true low

A GIF of a sign showing the words under construction

Hello World

Welcome to my corner of the internet! The purpose of this website is to document and share my knowledge about things I'm interested in. Maybe we have some common interests and this site helps you!

A little bit about me: Edriel is not my real name, but it's the only name you're gonna get. I'm from somewhere in Europe. I speak 3 languages fluently (German, English, Hungarian) and I would like to know more (currently learning French and I have my eyes on Greek and Arabic). I generally enjoy learning, along with creating (shitty) art and playing video games.

I am currently going through a lot at once so this whole thing is only being updated very slowly. I'm trying my very best to work on it though, it's fun!

There's an entire list of things I wanna put on this website. A few examples:

  • This is oddly specific but my favourite band Lord Of The Lost made an entire little pantheon for an album with a bit of backstory and everything and I've been working on a whole area just about that because I love that album so much (it's the reason I go by Edriel online)
  • Probably a page about my favourite video games, similar to the music one
  • Recipes/stuff I like to eat
  • A page about how to stay safe on the internet and also about building your own PC
  • Maybe a little gallery thing of the things I have created? Not sure about that one
  • ...and many other things!

This is basically a site where I can write about whatever I want without anyone saying anything. My personal infodump central. The stuff people miss when they don't listen to me IRL when I ramble. Enjoy!

Please Note:

This page is most pleasant to view on a computer or bigger screens (like tablets). It works on phones, but some parts look a bit weird.

It was also designed with Firefox as a priority. In fact, if I figure out a way to make it non-functional on Google Chrome and other shitty browsers, Firefox is the only browser it will work on.


(or sonnenboy)

A cartoon sun with a face. It has four eyes and is smiling.

Pronouns: he/him, they/them, sol/sun

I have a lot of interests and I would like to share what I know so, here we are.